Jan 25, 2022Liked by Rotten in Denmark

I’m not sure DeSmet ever used the word “psychosis”? I think Dr. Malone was the first to use it, and in fact I think DeSmet gently corrected him on it later. Of course, Malone is humble and deferred to DeSmet. We are all learning. 🙂

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Rotten in Denmark

Those Psychologists and Psychiatrists who haven't understood this psychosis will be treating people incorrectly. If these doctors respond from the mainstream narrative, people who rightfully feel prosecuted will be deemed insane. I would think that as with medical doctors many Psych doctors have not come out of the darkness.

Thanks for your article. Tim

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I have an alternate view on why people are easy to manipulate. My article is titled

How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

Low salt leads to chronic dehydration and chronic adrenal control. The adrenals bring the flight, fight, freeze response to the fore.

Chronic adrenal control leads to stress intolerance and chronic anxiety, panic attacks and more.

I outline the physiology of hydration and the role of salt.

I suggest we all get salty and return to frontal cortex thinking, a considered response (hydration) instead of a fear based reaction (dehydration).

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