Science absolutely demands multiple points of view, as does determining any truth.

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Hi Rotten in Denmark

I’ve a new take on blood and lung physiology you may like to ponder.

My article is titled we breathe air not oxygen.

I explain oxygen is a manufactured product of air NOT a constituent of air. There is no wild/natural oxygen or nitrogen in the air we breathe.

Air is stripped of moisture to become oxygen. Medical oxygen has 67ppm or less of water contamination.

Air is measured by its humidity or moisture in %. It’s a v humid day: 70% humidity. Warm air holds the most moisture.

The lungs require air to reach 100% humidity at the alveoli. That’s dew point.

Can you see the mismatch?

Oxygen upon release from containment wants to return to its natural state: air. It will extract moisture from its surroundings. When oxygen is released inside the respiratory system it extracts moisture and dehydrates the mucosa and delicate alveoli.

Oxygen toxicity is directly related to its power to dehydrate. Reactive oxygen species ROS is a term describing the effects of dehydration.

Colds and flu are seasonal because cold air is dry. Then add heated dry indoor room air and low salt. Perfect conditions to become dehydrated.

Dehydration being the first insult to dis-ease. Excess mucus in the respiratory system occurs as it recalibrates, re-establishing salt plus water to condition air as it travels to the alveoli.

Sanatoriums were set up along sea boards to take advantage of the salt spray. It was well known salty air heals lungs.

The old remedies: salt water gargles and nasal irrigations were based on sensical knowledge.

I logically dismiss the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide and present a better explanation.

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